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“What does it say?”, 2015 (valued at 250$)

It has been a while since someone has asked me to to donate an art piece for a foundation or auction for a missions trip. It has also been a while since I posted anything in regards of the art.

I have been approached to donate an art piece to help kids of a church to raise the necessary funds, through an online auction, to go and minister to the poorest of the poor children of El Salvador. This auction will be held online in the coming weeks. As soon as the link is available I will post it here.

When the person responsible of picking up the art came, he mentioned that a lot of art pieces were being collected and that he is looking forward to what the auction will collect as funds fr the kids.

Knowing that this auction is to help kids who are going to go and help other kids, I could not resist and gave 2 pieces in the hopes of raising a lot of funds.

The first piece I donated, I offered the client to chose from the various selection that I had at hand. The client selected “Ann, wait for me!”, which is valued at 300$ (feature image). I believe this piece has a local flair and will do good at the auction. When I offered to select a second one, the client was thrilled with the news. As I was perusing through the available pieces, I decided that it was time for me to part with the fox, which can be seen on the right. The client told me that it was going to be great exposure but for me, it is not about that, it’s about the mission, doing good in this world that is upside down.

I truly hope that their auction will be an amazing success and that they will be blessed with more than needed funds for their missions trip. I know just how grateful the kids in El Salvador will be when these kids come to help them.