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After a lot of pondering and being told to do so, I have decided to publish a small coloring book in which 2$ of every sale will be donated towards Autism Canada.

The task of making a coloring book is not an easy one as some of the image were photographed instead of a scan. I also had to figure out which of the pieces that I have done would be interesting for someone to say: “Yep! I want to add color to that one!” So I spent a good 3 days to figure out which drawings will be going inside the book.

Overall, I think that I have made a very good selection. There is something for everyone in the coloring book. I am sure that there is a drawing waiting for you to add your personal touch. Here are some of the drawings that you will find in the book below:

Go ahead and buy one on Amazon, won’t you?

Thank you for your support !