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Colouring book for grown-ups 2 is now available!

Little contest idea to promote the colouring book I have been drawing a lot lately and taking pictures of the art before the colouring phase which left me with a lot of black and white pictures of drawings that I could use to create a second book. In the spirit of getting people excited about […]

Coloring book is out!

After a lot of pondering and being told to do so, I have decided to publish a small coloring book in which 2$ of every sale will be donated towards Autism Canada. The task of making a coloring book is not an easy one as some of the image were photographed instead of a scan. […]

Two pieces donated for a good cause

It has been a while since someone has asked me to to donate an art piece for a foundation or auction for a missions trip. It has also been a while since I posted anything in regards of the art. I have been approached to donate an art piece to help kids of a church […]